Welcome to my website!
This is a personal website for Danish Imtiaz. Feel free to look around.
About Me
Danish is a radiology resident currently residing in Pittsburgh, PA. In his free time he enjoys reading, playing video games, making mobile apps, and playing the violin and piano.
Contact Me
If you would like to contact me please email:
This is a support page for applications I have developed
Interval Quiz
If you have downloaded it, thank you for your interest. We hope you are enjoying Interval Quiz! If not, or you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improvement, please email us at:
danish.m.imtiaz.developer+intervalquiz@gmail.comPunnett Helper
If you have downloaded it, thank you for your interest. We hope you are enjoying Punnett Helper! If not, or you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improvement, please email us at: